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Nearly all of us develop wisdom teeth and wish we didn’t. Most of us have them on each side of our mouth, upper and lower. Strictly speaking, they are our third set of molars. In fact, they are visitors from a previous life that have outlived their welcome and usefulness!
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth begin to form at around age nine, completely maturing by 18-21 years. By our late teens, the jawbone has nearly reached its adult size, but usually isn’t big enough to hold the wisdom teeth. As a result, these teeth can become trapped in the bone, under the gumline. The tooth’s crown may only partially break through the gum, or it may remain in the bone with misshapen or misplaced roots growing dangerously close to a sinus cavity. This is what we refer to as “impacted.”
When wisdom teeth try to erupt into the mouth when there is no room for them, they put pressure on existing already-erupted teeth, and your dentition usually begins to shift … which can cause discomfort or pain. Sometimes wisdom teeth are positioned sideways and push on the roots of your back molars.
How Are Wisdom Teeth Treated?
No one can tell when an impacted molar will cause trouble, but trouble usually comes. One of the most common oral surgery treatments involves X-rays to remove the wisdom teeth before that happens, which is key to avoiding discomfort and complicated treatment.
Who is A Candidate For Wisdom Teeth Removal?
- Patients With Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Individuals whose wisdom teeth are unable to fully emerge due to lack of space in the jaw may experience pain, swelling, or infection, making them ideal candidates for removal.
- Individuals With Persistent Pain: Those experiencing chronic pain in the back of the mouth or jaw may require wisdom teeth removal to alleviate discomfort caused by the teeth.
- Age Considerations: Younger patients, typically between the ages of 17 and 25, are often recommended for wisdom teeth removal, as the roots are not fully developed, making the extraction process easier and recovery faster.
Even though they’re called “wisdom teeth,” they don’t seem to be very wise… At Beyond Dentistry, we will develop a treatment plan to help you make smart choices. Call us today!
Contact Beyond Dentistry About Wisdom Teeth Removal Today!
- Discover if your wisdom teeth need to be removed
- Extract impacted tooth and resolve gum pain
- Enjoy your favorite foods again
- Prevent issues with crowding and shifting teeth
- Avoid oral complications caused by wisdom teeth, including cysts, tooth decay, gum disease, and more!
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